创业 英语 – 创业 英语作文

 · 创业的英文 start a business 参考例句, Pioneering in an enterprise is naturally never plain sailing 创业嘛,当然是不会一帆风顺的。 Entrepreneurship before, during and after dot-com, 网络公司的前期、中期与后期创业, “Youth is the season of hope, enterprise, and energy, to a nation as well as an individual”, 青年时期对国家和个人都是希望、创业和精力充沛的时期,


 · Comparing sitting at the office and just carry out the order, self-employment is more creative, it provides a free stage for people to show their ability, 一方面,毕业生能充分发挥他们的才能。, 他们可以选择做自己擅长的事情,不用根据老板的意愿去执行任务。, 和坐在办公室执行命令相比,自主创业更加的具有创造性,它给人提供了一个自由的舞台来展示能力。,


 · 【导语】我们遇见的英语作文话题之中,创业就是一个热点。下面是由无忧考网给大家带来创业规划英语作文,供大家参阅! 【篇一】如何创业的英语作文范文 Clear objectives, Only by clear and declared target in order to stimulate the invincible strength, Investors hope that entrepreneurs can indeed work hard to achieve the established objectives, but also hope that the entrepreneur so hard to make money because it is a measure

 · 上文中的business startups就是“创业”。 原来成立limited liability company(有限责任公司)、individual company(个体企业)和 incorporated company (股份有限公司)分别需要3万元、10万元和500万元的 minimum registered capital (最低注册资本),现在这些要求都将被取消。

 · 创业的英文是Entrepreneurship。, 创业者的英文是Entrepreneur。, Entrepreneurship,, 1、创业容易守业难。, It’s easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open, 2、创业难守业更难。, Keeping is harder than winning,; To start a business is difficult, but to keep it going is more difficult, Entrepreneur,,

Réponses : 9


 · 创业板,即国际上通称的”第二板市场”Second Board,与主板市场Main Board相对应。 在香港,创业板市场为Growth Enterprise Market GEM, 在中国,为中国创业板 China Growth Enterprise Market / Growth Enterprise Board, 已赞过 已踩过, 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起, 其他类似问题, 2008-03-06 中小板 创业板 新 …


 · As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation, 那些自己进行创业的大学生可被视为先驱,在他们之中,将会诞生中国未来的商界领袖。, 尽管面对着许多未知的挑战,他们仍无所畏惧地踏上一条充斥着艰难险阻的征程。, 与此形成对比的是,他们的大多数同龄人却作为白领,在高端写字楼里上班




 · 创业,比较正式的说法用 entrepreneurship,随意一点可以说 startup。 网站名称,如 @梁一峰,Startup Info

Critiques : 1

 · 此外,大公司还能因接触到创业公司的不同管理方式而获益 【创业的英语表达】 start [found] an undertaking [a business; a project]; do pioneering work 例句, It ‘s easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open , 创业容易守业难。


自主创业 Self-employment


在大学时写过的英语作文中,你是否有遇到过“创业”这个话题的?下面是小编给大家带来怎样创业的英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何创业英语作文篇1 One of the advantages of being selfemployed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner If the self-employed person succeeds in business he has the chance to earn a great deal of money The profit earned is the reward for the owners effort ability and creativity Thus a second


【关于大学生创业英语作文带翻译 篇一】 Should graduate students start their own business or look for jobs? In my opinion, becoming a member of the workforce is far less desirable than owning a business, Undeniably, enterpreneurship involves risks and entails hard work and determination, However, it generates greater satisfaction and a sense of acheivement, No glory without risk-taking is conceivable, Only when one is …



 · 创业大赛: Venture Contest: 商业计划竞赛: Business Plan Competition: 党团知识竞赛 Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League: 政法论坛: Political and Legal Forum: 模拟法庭: Moot Court: 演讲比赛: Speech Competition: 征文比赛: Essay Competition: 网页设计大赛: Web Page Design Competition: 辩论赛: Debate Competition: 软件设计大赛

创业 英语

创业 英语 - 创业 英语作文

创业一年,我对少儿英语行业的理解 , 豆汤少年,创业一年,我对少儿英语行业的理解 zhuanlan,zhihu,com, 我想创业开办一个培训机构。请教知乎大神一些问题? 我想创业开办一个培训机构。请教知乎大神一些问题? www,zhihu,com, 没钱没资源没经验只有一颗收钱的心,谁给你的勇气开培训班?梁静茹吗

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