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 · Business Daily, The daily drama of money and work from the BBC, Episodes 3673 Available Sexism, tribalism and housing, Finding a place to live in Nigeria’s big cities, 17 mins, 25 Aug 2021

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BBC World News business headlines, Video, 00:01:33 BBC World News business headlines, Published 12 hours ago, Subsection Business, 1:33, Up Next, Taliban to US: Don’t encourage Afghans to leave

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Business Daily BBC Business 4,4 • 444 Ratings; The daily drama of money and work from the BBC, AUG 23, 2021 ‘Youngism’ in the workplace ‘Youngism’ in the workplace, Age discrimination doesn’t just affect the elderly, The BBC’s Tamasin Ford speaks with Priscilla and Nadirah about the discrimination they’ve experienced as young people in the workplace, We’ll also hear from Michael North, an

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All episodes of Business Daily, Controversial new Alzheimer’s drug in the spotlight, The approval is under investigation,What are the consequences for patients and insurance?

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️ Life under the Taliban

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bbc business daily - one minute bbc news

 · Business Weekly, Diplomacy, trade and China top the Vice President’s agenda, While the eyes of the world are on Afghanistan and the US withdrawal, the American Vice President is trying to generate

Business Daily, The daily drama of money and work from the BBC, Release date: 01 October 2021, 18 minutes,

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 · Business Daily BBC World Service, The podcast Business Daily has been added to your home screen, Gaisu fled the Taliban when she was 18, Now she’s fleeing again, Speaking to the BBC’s Tamasin Ford, Gaisu recounts being engaged to the son of a local warlord at age 6, fleeing to the United States at 18, and then returning as a civil servant after the Taliban were toppled, She recounts her time

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