cal42688 poker

Le profil poker de cal42688, Les dernières infos, les perfs, les photos

 · About cal42688, Rank, Newbie Birthday April 26; Profile, Real name, Calvin Anderson, Your gender, Male, Location, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Personal, About Yourself, follow me on twiter @Cal42688! Favorite poker hand, 23457, Your profession, Poker player, Favorite place to play, where ever i’m winning, Favorite Cash Game and Limit, anything but hold em , Favorite Tournament Game and Limit

 · Known online as cal42688 Anderson has racked up over $3,5 million in online earnings including a massive $303k win in the Full Tilt Poker $15 million guaranteed in March of 2011, A mixed-game expert who won two SCOOP titles on PokerStars in a single 24-hour period, Anderson has been playing online poker from Mexico since it was outlawed in

L’importance de jouer en position par Calvin “cal42688


 · One of the heaviest online poker schedules in recent memories got off to a fast star this week with millions doled out by the biggest poker sites in the world, Over on PokerStars famous poker pros flocked to the latest edition of SCOOP with numerous events paying out over $100,000 for first place,

The Sunday Briefing: Calvin “cal42688” Anderson and Ozgur

 · The Sunday Briefing: Calvin “cal42688” Anderson and Ozgur “phaplap” Arda Win Majors April 22 2013 Brett Collson Another online poker Sunday is in the books at PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker

Calvin Shane Anderson: Hendon Mob Poker Database

Home News Poker Players cal42688, cal42688, Latest Videos with cal42688, WAG Diaries: Calvin Anderson and Kami Hudson, PCA 2014: Calvin Anderson Compares His Online Game to Live Play, Covered Events , Event Place Prize; PokerStars SCOOP 2020 SCOOP-75-M: $1,050 PLO [6-Max, PLO Main Event], $750K Gtd: 101 st: $2,771: Top Room Reviews Available in United States, Advertiser Disclosure, Advertiser

FINAL TABLE $1050 Thursday Thrill pads1161 cal42688

119 lignes · Follow @Cal42688 Nationality: United States United States Born: United States Yukon OK United States Residence: United States Las Vegas NV United States $2,000,000 milestone, United States All Time Money List: 412th: Oklahoma, USA All Time Money List: 3rd: All Time Money List Current Rank: 737th: All Time Money List Best Rank: 690th: Global Poker Index Ranking: 8,204th: Popularity

The greatest SCOOP player of all time: Calvin “cal42688

Poker News; Share Calvin “cal42688” Anderson and Shaun “shaundeeb” Deeb both had a record five SCOOP titles when they reached the final table of the $2,100 Stud event The finale was one of the strongest in SCOOP history with the players at the table having 13 SCOOP and 8 WCOOP titles combined In the end cal42688 walked away with the title and $36,600 after defeating Dan “djk123” Kelly in

SCOOP XL Inferno Powerfest Week 1: Linde cal42688 Crush

cal42688 poker

 · Sous son pseudo “cal42688” il a remporté six titres Spring Championship of Online Poker et un bracelet World Championship of Online Poker sur PokerStars Selon PocketFives ses gains en tournoi online dépassent les 5 950 000$ ! Lors du Main Event du PokerStars Caribbean Adventure auquel il participait Calvin Anderson a accordé un entretien à propos d’une main originale disputée un peu

Cal “cal42688” Anderson Wins Record Ninth and 10th SCOOP

 · Online poker tournament earnings: $7735,766 Calvin Anderson plays under the username “cal42688” on PokerStars where he has made the majority of his $7,7 million in online cashes Anderson started playing online poker in 2007 By 2008 he was gaining traction with first place finishes in MTTs, In 2010, Anderson earned his first WCOOP



 · Calvin “cal42688” Anderson extended his own record by winning not one but two Spring Championship of Online Poker SCOOP events at PokerStars over the weekend and now has 10 SCOOP titles to …

Calvin “cal42688” Anderson wins 6th SCOOP title and breaks

HIGH ROLLER CLUB: $1050 Thursday Thrill Progressive KO, $175K GtdHelp me reach 100 subscribes https://goo,gl/zodjxn—–


cal42688 poker

The poker player cal42688 was first discovered by HighstakesDB on the high stakes tables of PokerStars on , Since then, a total of 31788 poker hands have been tracked with cal42688’s results being $202,111, The hands come from games, The highest stakes cal42688 has been seen playing is $0, Kindly note that only high stakes games $25/50NL and above are covered by the player tracking

Calvin “cal42688” Anderson: Rare Case of a True Grinder

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