centos mkinitrd

 · For CentOS 5: Create a backup copy of the current initrd: cp -p /boot/initrd-$uname -r,img /boot/initrd-$uname -r,img,bak, Now create the initrd for the current kernel: mkinitrd -f -v /boot/initrd-$uname -r,img $uname -r If you need to build it for a specific kernel version replace the version appropriately:

CentOS / RHEL 5 : How to rebuild Initial Ramdisk Image

Linux : Rôle et utilisation d\’initrd

mkinitrd8 [centos man page]

CentOS / RHEL 6 : How to rebuild Initial Ramdisk Image When adding new hardware to a system or after changing configuration files that may be used earlier in the boot process or when changing the options on a kernel module, it may be necessary to rebuild the initial ramdisk also known as initrd or initramfs to include the proper kernel


Recreating the suse/RHEL/CentOS initrd file

 · mkinitrd >= 4,2,21-1 is needed by kernel-2,6,18-348,el5,i686 In centos 6,4 mkinitrd command is provided by dracut-004-303,el6,noarch,rpm So there isn’t mkinitrd-xxx,rpm in centos 6,4 Now when I check version of mkinitrd command in centos 6,4 it gives me following message, [xyz]# mkinitrd –version mkinitrd: dracut compatibility wrapper,

[SOLVED] yum install mkinitrd -y not working

 · The another systems: A RHEL 5,5 and a CentOS 5,5 and 5,4, Now I’d just finished my suse server, there’s still a Red Hat and based servers waiting for the same update, In RHEL/CentOS and Fedora, there’s no /etc/sysconfig/kernel to mkinitrd read, mkinitrd will read the /etc/modprobe,conf and /etc/modprobe,d/* files, and the sintax is a quite different, When everything works well, you

I need mkinitrd >= 42,21-1 for centos 6,4 i386

mkinitrd 8 [centos man page] MKINITRD 8 dracut MKINITRD 8 NAME, mkinitrd – is a compat wrapper, which calls dracut to generate an initramfs SYNOPSIS, mkinitrd [OPTION] [] DESCRIPTION, mkinitrd creates an initramfs image for the kernel with version by calling “dracut”,

 · If you extract initrd using Method 1 then follow this procedure to rebuild initrd image navigate to your temporary directory where you did extract initrd image [root@rhel-8 rulesd]# cd /tmp/custom_initrd/ [root@rhel-8 custom_initrd]#, Execute the below command to rebuild initrd …

CentOS / RHEL 6 : How to rebuild Initial Ramdisk Image

 · # mkinitrd–-fstab=/etc/fstab /boot/initrd-$uname –r,img $uname –r Enfin, maintenant que l’on est tous convaincus de l’utilité de cette fonction, on peut peut …

CentOS / RHEL 5 : dm-multipath file /etc/sysconfig

 · # mkinitrd /boot/initrd,img-3,11,0,12-generic 3,11,0,12-generic-old, The above command works for the other distributions like CentOS, Fedora, Hat,etc not for Ubuntu, For Ubuntu Based Distribution: # update-initramfs -c -k 3,11,0,12-generic, 6, Finalizing Grub Loader and unmounting, We will go for unmounting the mounted path as: If your system has Fedora, RHEL, CentOS installed, try this

How to Fix a Broken Initrd Image in Linux


mkinitrd in centos6?

 · It has a dependency on mkinitrd which is how initial RAM disks were built on CentOS 5, CentOS 6 doesn’t use mkinitrd any more, it uses something called dracut, So `man dracut` will tell you how that is used, But if you want to use that kernel, I think you need to be running CentOS 5,x not 6,x, Top,

mkinitrd returns blkid: invalid option — ‘u’ on Centos 7,6 21/05/2019
problem when updating mkinitrd 04/06/2010
Problems installing kernel — mkinitrd 27/10/2007
Problem with mkinitrd

Afficher plus de résultats

centos mkinitrd

The purpose of the /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd/multipath file is to help mkinitrd determine whether or not to include the dm-multipath modules in the initrd image file,

 · Install CentOS using the standard installer on the first hard disk, /dev/sda, Now you have to patch the mkinitrd script, Download the patch from this page and do the following: cd /sbin cp mkinitrd mkinitrd,dist patch -p0 < /tmp/mkinitrd-md_d0,patch, See the corresponding bug report for more details, Disable updating mkinitrd rpm with yum, append exclude=mkinitrd* to /etc/yum,conf, Build

centos mkinitrd

 · Step 2: Now type this command “yum install mkinitrd –y” you need internet connection for this because it will download some files and install Step 3: Open NCTUns-6,0 which you have downloaded earlier and extract using Archive Manager to “Home Folder”, Step …

The most used parameters are: -f Allows mkinitrd to overwrite an existing image file –preload=module – Load the module module in the initial ramdisk image The module gets loaded before any SCSI modules which are specified in /etc/modprobeconf, This option may be used as many times as necessary,

2 ways to update and rebuild initrd image in CentOS/RHEL 7

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