cikm 2021 deadline – cikm 2021 call for papers

 · CIKM 2021: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 1 – 5 November 2021, Online Queensland, Australia http://www,cikm2021,org https://easychair,org/conferences/?conf=cikm2021

30th ACM International Conference on Information and

Workshops Proposal Deadline: 21 Apr 2021: Workshops Notifications: 7 May 2021: Full & Applied Papers Abstract Deadline: 19 May 2021: Full & Applied Papers Final Deadline: 26 May 2021: Short Papers Abstract Deadline: 2 Jun 2021: Short Papers Final Deadline: 9 Jun 2021: Resource & Demo Papers Deadline: 16 Jun 2021: Tutorial Proposals Deadline: 30 Jun 2021: Papers Notifications

CIKM 2021

cikm 2021 deadline

30th ACM International Conference on

Please submit your tutorial proposal as a PDF file, choosing the “tutorial track” on the CIKM 2021 online submission system, Important Dates: All deadlines are at 11:59pm in the Anywhere on Earth timezone, Tutorial Proposals Deadline: 30 Jun 2021; Papers Notifications: 9 Aug 2021; Camera Ready Deadline: 22 Aug 2021; ACM Policy Against Discrimination

30th ACM International Conference on


 · CIKM 2021: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 1 – 5 November 2021, Online Queensland, Australia http://www,cikm2021,org https://easychair,org/conferences/?conf=cikm2021

Camera Ready Deadline: 22 Aug 2021 Topics of Interest We encourage submissions of high quality research papers on all topics in the general areas of artificial intelligence, data science, databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management,

CIKM 2021 : ACM International Conference on Information

CIKM 2021

30th ACM International Conference on

Neural PathSim for Inductive Similarity Search in Heterogeneous Information Networks ‐ Wenyi Xiao The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Huan Zhao 4Paradigm Inc China Vincent W Zheng WeBank, China , Yangqiu Song The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

CIKM 2021 Sponsorship Brief

30th ACM International Conference on

cikm 2021 deadline - cikm 2021 call for papers

Short Papers Final Deadline: 9 Jun 2021: Resource & Demo Papers Deadline: 16 Jun 2021: Tutorial Proposals Deadline: 30 Jun 2021: Papers Notifications: 9 Aug 2021: Camera Ready Deadline: 22 Aug 2021: Follow @cikm2021 Tweets by @cikm2021 We acknowledge and pay respect to the land and the traditional families of the Yugambeh region of South East Queensland and their Elders past present and

Workshops Proposal Deadline: 21 Apr 2021: Workshops Notifications: 7 May 2021: Full & Applied Papers Abstract Deadline: 19 May 2021: Full & Applied Papers Final Deadline: 26 May 2021: Short Papers Abstract Deadline: 2 Jun 2021: Short Papers Final Deadline: 9 Jun 2021: Resource & Demo Papers Deadline: 16 Jun 2021: Tutorial Proposals Deadline: 30 Jun 2021: Papers Notifications

 · CIKM 2021 – 2nd Call for Workshops One week left to the proposal deadline, April 21

AI Conference Deadlines

 · Submission Deadline Wednesday 19 May 2021 Proceedings indexed by : Conference Dates Nov 1 2021 – Nov 5 2021 Conference Address Online Online : Conference & Submission Link https://www,cikm2021,org/

1-5 November 2021, Online, Hosted in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, CIKM 2021 will take place online in a lively and interactive manner, Keep posted for more information, and we hope that you all stay safe in these exceptional circumstances,

30th ACM International Conference on Information and

CIKM 2021

ICMI 2021 19 days 06h 06m 04s October 18-22 2021 Montreal Canada Deadline: Wed May 26 2021 23:59:00 GMT-0700, Google Yahoo! iCal Outlook, computer vision, CIKM 2021, 19 days 11h 07m 03s,

 · Camera Ready Deadline: 22 Aug 2021 Topics of Interest We seek demonstrations that showcase exciting new technologies and early prototypes within the scope of CIKM, as well as case studies from more mature systems with innovative features and functionalities,

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