consulatul roman la washington – consulatul roman in los angeles

 · See above Contact details for the Romanian embassy in Washington DC, The embassy of Romania in Washington, D,C, is located at 1607 23rd Street NW and can be contacted by telephone on 202 332 4846 / 29 as well as by email office@roembus,org, The consular section shares location as well as telephone number and email address with the embassy,

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Romanian embassy and consulates in USA embassy-finder,com
Romania Embassy and Consulate information www,passportsandvisas,com
Embassy of Romania in Washington D,C,, United States www,embassy-worldwide,com
Embassy of Romania, Washington, D,C, – Wikipedia en,wikipedia,org
Embassy,org: The Embassy of Romania www,embassy,org

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Romanian Embassy in Washington USA

Washington D,C Contact Adrian Cosmin VIERITA Phone 00 1 202 3324846 202,332,4848 202,332,4851 2023324852, 202332,2879, 202232,4747, Email [email protected] Web Site Web Site, Honorary Consulate of Romania in Dallas, Texas, Adolphus Tower, 1412 Main Street, Suite #1800 Dallas, Phone 214 5223799; 214 5226692, Email [email protected] Romanian Consulate in Boston, United States

Cum ne puteți contacta Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate poate fi apelat 24 de ore / 7 zile la numerele de telefon aparținând misiunii diplomatice/oficiului consular al României din zona de rezidență a fiecărui cetățean român Exemplu: Cetățenii români aflați în zona de competență

Romanian Consulate in New York

When there is no Romania Consulate located in Los Angeles you can either contact a consulate in a neigboring state or contact the embassy in Washington, Los Angeles in the State of Southern California, on the West Coast of the United states, is the most ethnically diverse city in the United States,

consulatul roman la washington

 · Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver British Columbia Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver British Columbia located at Suite 855 555 Burrard Street Two Bental Centre, View larger location map, get driving directions or view address, phone, fax, email, office hours, official website, visa types, and head of mission HOM,

Lista cu ambasada si consulatele romanesti din SUA

 · Consulate General of Romania in Toronto Ontario Consulate General of Romania in Toronto Ontario located at 789 Don Mills Rd, unit 501 View larger location map, get driving directions or view address, phone, fax, email, office hours, official website, visa types,

Stam in Florida nu as vrea sa calatorim degeaba la Washington Deasemenea de ce nu se poate reinoi prin posta? Totul este mai avansat acum si mai usor Tehnologia este avansata Am 84 de ani mi-e greu sa ma deplasez, Daca puteti ajuta email meu este dntivan@yahoo,com Multumesc, Adriana , Fri, 3 Feb 2017 02:32 EST, I need to renew my passport Does anybody know what I need to register my

Address : 1607 23rd Street NWWashington DC 20008USA

Romania Embassy and Consulate information

Acest sistem informatic modern va permite cetăţenilor români să acceseze informaţii consulare de calitate într-un mod eficient şi transparent, beneficiind de un confort crescut datorită posibilităţii de a interacţiona online cu personalul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, de a trimite solicitări prin mijloace electronice fără a mai fi nevoiţi să se deplaseze in mod repetat la

Washington DC 20008: Phone: local: 202 2323694 international: +1,202,232,3694: Chicago — Romanian Consulate-General » Details and comment forum for the Consulate-General of Romania in Chicago Address: 737 North Michigan Avenue Suite 2105 Chicago, IL 60611: Phone: local: 312 573,1315 international: +1,312,573,1315: Los Angeles — Romanian Consulate-General » Details and comment

Consulate General of Romania in Vancouver British Columbia

Romanian Consulate in Los Angeles

consulatul roman la washington - consulatul roman in los angeles

Embassy of Romania in Washington D,C United States

 · Consulatul general al Romaniei la Los Angeles CALIFORNIA 11766 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 560 Los Angeles CA 90025 Phone: 310-4440043, 310-4738061 Fax: 310-4450043 E-mail: [email protected] Are in jurisdictia sa urmatoarele state: CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON MONTANA OREGON IDAHO WYOMING NEVADA UTAH COLORADO ARIZONA NEW MEXICO

Consulate General of Romania in Toronto Ontario

Home Page

The Romanian Consulate is a diplomatic mission in Chicago and is appointed by the Embassy of Romania in Washington, Below you will find the contact details of the consulate as well as the name of the Romanian consul serving in Chicago, Contact details of the Romanian Consulate in Chicago – the United States , Addres: Romanian Consulate General in Chicago, the United States 737 North Michigan

Centrul de suport MAE > Cum apelezi

 · Consulatul General al Romaniei la Los Angeles La cererea organizatiei noastre domnul Consul Catalin Ghenea va face o vizita in Seattle pe 19 februarie pentru a efectua servicii consulare Lista serviciilor consulare prestate catre cetateni romani se gaseste aici exceptie fac aplicatiile pentru pasapoarte si obtinerea titlurilor de călătorie, care nu se vor putea face in Seattle ci doar

Romanian embassy and consulates in USA

Romanian Consulate General in New York, the United States 200 East 38th Street New York New York 10016 United States, Telephone Number: +1 212 682 9122 +1 212 …

Servicii consulare pentru cetatenii români din zona

Romanian Consulate in Chicago

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