define bringing – to bring

define bringing - to bring


Define Bringing in English, Bringing meaning in English, Meaning of Bringing in English, Pronunciation of Bringing in English, Bringing pronunciation in English, Pronounce Bringing in English, Bringing see synonyms of bringing, Noun, 1, bringing, delivery, the act of delivering or distributing something as goods or mail Example Sentences:’his reluctant delivery of bad news’ Synonyms

bringing together; caboodle; clump; cluster; collation; combination; company; compilation; congeries; congregation; convocation; crowd; cumulation; digest; gathering; heap; hoard; kit; levy; lot; mass; medley; mess; miscellany; mobilization; muster; number; obtaining; omnibus; pile; quantity; securing; selection; set; stack; stock; stockpile; store

Urban Dictionary: bring it

Bring in Definition & Meaning


Bring forward definition and meaning

Bringing noun 1 The act of delivering or distributing something as goods or mail Synonym: delivery Bring, verb past & past part, brought; pres, part, bringing 1, Take something or somebody with oneself somewhere, Synonyms: convey, take, “Take these letters to the boss” , “This brings me to the main point” 2, Cause to come into a particular state or condition, “Bring water to the

define bringing

bring definition: 1, to take or carry someone or something to a place or a person, or in the direction of the person…, Learn more,


 · “bringing” meaning in english, “bringing” definitions, synonyms of “bringing”, definition of “bringing”, “bringing” translate in english, Primary Meanings of “bringing”, Full Definitions of “bringing”, antonyms of “bringing”, great “bringing” definition, full meaning of “bringing”, best definition of “bringing”, define “bringing” in one sentence

Definition of bring, transitive verb, 1 a : to convey, lead, carry, or cause to come along with one toward the place from which the action is being regarded brought a bottle of wine to the party, b : to cause to be, act, or move in a special way: such as, 1 : attract her screams brought the neighbors,

Synonyms and antonyms for Bringing

Bring in definition at Dictionary,com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation, Look it up now!

Bring On

 · define bringing bringing > synonyms 11K Synonyms ; more ; 4 Broader; 8 Narrower; 97 Related? List search, Special characters ‘?’ and ‘*’:??? – shows 3-letter terms ; a??e – 4-letter terms starting with ‘a’ and ending with ‘e’ a* – terms starting with ‘a’ *ment – terms ending with ‘ment’ If nothing is found, then alternative search will try to find the terms that: start with searched query


transitive verb, : to cause to appear or occur, Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About bring on, Keep scrolling for more,

A way of expressing that someone is sexually attractive It is often used with irony or playfulness Comes from the verb “breed” which is to copulate with intent of bearing children For someone to be truly “breedable” they need to be fertile Anon: You are looking mighty breedable this fine evening m’lady

 · verb, Accounting: Basic If you bring forward a balance, you transfer it from a previous page or column of an account, or from another ledger or book, so that it will be the starting figure on a new page, The balance brought forward is the amount outstanding from the previous bill,

BRINGING TOGETHER Synonyms: 588 Synonyms & Antonyms for


bring 1, To exert; apply: bring pressure to bear on the student’s parents, 2, To put something to good use: “All of one’s faculties are brought to bear in an effort to become fully incorporated


bring to convince of a belief or opinion; persuade: I think we can bring him around to agreeing with the plan, to restore to consciousness, as after a faint, to bring as a visitor: They …

Bring Definition & Meaning

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