define courtesan – what is a courtesan house

Courtesan definition, a prostitute or paramour, especially one associating with noblemen or men of wealth, See more,

noun, mainly literary, A prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients, ‘they diverted their remaining funds into frequenting courtesans’, More example sentences, ‘Punning on the meaning of grande as tall or as grand in the social sense, the seventeenth-century commentator noted the reference to the courtesans and prostitutes of

define courtesan

Being a courtesan was a privileged position which allowed these women to afford the best of both worlds, that is to maintain their sexual freedom whilst cultivating their minds and social position, Courtesans thus served as highly decorative amusements, staus symbols for wealthy Venetian patricians, They were however far from being expensive prosititutes, and the courting process was very much an intricate ritual, with men paying …

 · courtesan definition: 1, a woman, usually with a high social position, who in the past had sexual relationships with rich…, Learn more,

courtisane : définition de courtisane et synonymes de



courtesan Add to list Share, courtesan, From the Renaissance on, European kings and noblemen often kept a courtesan, that is, a woman with whom they had a relationship but were not married to, The courtesan got her name quite literally from the royal court where she lived, In fact, the term to court, as in to woo someone romantically, comes from

Defining the Courtesan


Defining the courtesan basically comes down to this: “a prostitute with a courtly wealthy or upper-class clientele” Courtesy of the Merriam Webster dictionary Courtesy of the Merriam Webster dictionary


COURTISANE s f, [kour-ti-za-n’] 1 Nom que l’on donne aux femmes de moeurs déréglées mais non sans quelque élégance qui sont dans les grandes villes d’Italie Les courtisanes de Venise


A brief history of the Courtesan


courtesan – a woman who cohabits with an important man concubine , doxy , paramour kept woman , mistress , fancy woman – an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man

Courtesan definition is – a prostitute with a courtly, wealthy, or upper-class clientele, How to use courtesan in a sentence,

 · “courtesan” meaning in english, “courtesan” definitions, synonyms of “courtesan”, definition of “courtesan”, “courtesan” translate in english, Primary Meanings of “courtesan”, Full Definitions of “courtesan”, antonyms of “courtesan”, great “courtesan” definition, full meaning of “courtesan”, best definition of “courtesan”, define “courtesan” in


Define Courtesan in English, Courtesan meaning in English, Meaning of Courtesan in English, Pronunciation of Courtesan in English, Courtesan pronunciation in English, Pronounce Courtesan in English, Courtesan see synonyms of courtesan, Noun, 1, concubine, courtesan, doxy, paramour, a woman who cohabits with an important man , Synonyms, concubine, doxy, paramour, WordNet Lexical Database for

define courtesan - what is a courtesan house




Oiran was a specific category of high ranking courtesan in Japanese history, Divided into a number of ranks within this category, oiran were considered – both in social terms and in the entertainment they provided – to be above common prostitutes, known as yūjo, Though oiran by definition also engaged in prostitution, they were distinguished by their skills in the traditional arts, with the higher-ranking oiran having a degree of choice in …

Courtesan Definition & Meaning

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