h5p interactive content – moodle h5p

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Moodle plugins directory: Interactive Content – H5P


Interactive Content – H5P Create and add rich content inside your LMS for free Some examples of what you get with H5P are Interactive Video Quizzes Collage and Timeline One of the great benefits with using H5P is that it gives you access to lots of different interactive content types Another great benefit with H5P …

Formation Moodle – Contenu interactif avec H5P 2019-2020 F, Debesson : francois,debesson@ac-orleans-tours,fr 1 11, Contenus interactifs avec H5P H5P est une application en ligne qui permet de créer des contenus interactifs visuellement et fonctionnellement très riches : QCM, glisser/déposer, champs à compléter, etc,, mais aussi des images ou des vidéos interactives, des jeux, des

 · Highlights, H5P gives you access to lots of different interactive content types see ‘Activities available for creation from inside the plugin’ below,; H5P allows you to easily share and reuse content, To reuse content, you just download the H5P you would like to edit and make your changes – e,g, translate to a new language or adjust it to a new situation,


Interactive Content

Lumi – Interactive Content with H5P, Gratuit, Obtenir, Présentation Configuration requise Section liée, Disponible sur, PC Description, With Lumi you can create, edit and view interactive HTML elements H5P packages in your desktop environment, You can choose from over 40 content types templates, which include interactive videos and all common quiz types such as fill-in-the-blanks

With H5P authors may create and edit interactive videos presentations games advertisements and more Content may be imported and exported All that is needed to view or edit H5P content is a web browser, H5P content types and applications are shared here on H5P,org, H5P content may be created on any H5P enabled web site like H5P,com or your

 · Highlights, H5P gives you access to lots of different interactive content types see ‘Activities available for creation from inside the plugin’ below,; H5P allows you to easily share and reuse content, To reuse content, you just download the H5P you would like to edit and make your changes – e,g, translate to a new language or adjust it to a new situation,

Examples and Downloads

 · Register on H5P,com to start creating H5P Interactive content, Your content can be accessed via direct link, embeded, or inserted into any learning management system that supports LTI integration, And more, The example here is a classical interactive book with a mix of informational content and tasks, Interactive Book may of course also be used only with informational content like this

It enables educators to create content such as interactive videos, quizzes and presentations, H5P content can be created in the Content bank new in 3,9, or on the h5p,com site, or with the LUMI app for desktop, and added to your course as an H5P activity new in 3,9 onwards or embedded into any other activity or resource, Content bank and H5P , Creating and editing H5P content, To create

 · H5P empowers everyone to create, share and reuse interactive content – all you need is a web browser and a web site that supports H5P,

Interactive Content

Interactive H5P content added to a post; View post with interactive H5P content, Installation, Download and extract the package; Put the h5p folder in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory; Navigate to the WordPress installation in your web browser; Login and active the plugin; If you’re cloning this plugin from GitHub, remember to get the sub modules as well: git submodule update –init

 · Interactive Video, An HTML5-based interactive video content type allowing users to add multiple choice and fill in the blank questions, pop-up text and other types of interactions to their videos using only a web browser, Make your videos more engaging with H5P and interactive video in publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard

Interactive Content – H5P – Extension WordPress

User account , H5P, H5P empowers everyone to create, share and reuse interactive content – all …

11, Contenus interactifs avec H5P

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h5p interactive content

Interactive Book

Interactive Content – H5P – WordPress plugin

h5p interactive content - moodle h5p

H5P – Create and Share Rich HTML5 Content and Applications

H5P empowers everyone to create, share and reuse interactive content – all you need is a web browser and a web site that supports H5P,

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