international journal of peace studies – journal of international students

The International Journal for Peace Studies

international journal of peace studies

International Journal for Peace Studies – An educational research journal with articles on the causes and solutions to the social, cultural, and ethnic conflicts in the world, The International Peace Research Association IPRA The International Peace Research Association Archives International Negotiation Conflict Management and Resolution : Volume 1, #1 1996: Volume 16, #1 2011 : Volume 1

International Journal of Peace and Development Studies

International Journal on World Peace

Introductory text for International Journal of Peace Studies, See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal, Current Issue: Volume 25, Number 2 2021 Full Issue, PDF, International Journal of Peace Studies Volume 25, Number 2, Winter 2020, Table of Contents, PDF, Table of Contents , Articles, PDF, Exploring the Typologies of Terrorism in the United States: Using Cluster

International Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies IJPCS IJPCS is a peer- reviewed bi-annual and research-driven journal that provides intellectual platform for the dissemination of critical empirical and regular papers in public administration management humanities, law and …

International Journal of Peace Studies Volume 14 Number

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International Journal of Peace and Development Studies 12 2 46-63 Chicago / Oguntuwase Olugbenga-Jay “Keys to sustainable and enduring societal peace in intractable conflicts: A theoretical and empirical justification in apartheid South African peace process” International Journal of Peace and Development Studies 12, no, 2 2021: 46-63,

The International Journal of Peace Studies is the journal of the International Peace Research Association Spanning both qualitative and quantitative approaches to issues of conflict and prospects for peace on multiple levels it represents the leading edge of value-explicit multi-disciplinary scholarship The journal is rigorously peer-reviewed with an acceptance rate hovering typically

Peace Studies Journal

Journal of Peace Research JPR is an interdisciplinary and international peer reviewed bimonthly journal of scholarly work in peace research Journal of Peace Research strives for a global focus on conflict and peacemaking The journal encourages a wide conception of peace but focuses on the causes of violence and conflict resolution,


international journal of peace studies - journal of international students

International Journal of Peace Studies on JSTOR

 · International Journal of Peace Studies Volume 24 Number 1 Summer 2019 ERODING THE BARRIER BETWEEN PEACE AND JUSTICE: TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE MECHANISMS AND SUSTAINABLE PEACE Jeffrey D, Pugh Abstract The expansion of international trials over the last decades has reinvigorated the debate surrounding the efficacy of retributive justice over restorative justice in response to mass …

International Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies IJPCS

International Journal of Peace Studies

International Journal of Peace Studies Volume 19 Number 2 Winter 2014 Security Sovereignty, and Justice in U,S, Overseas Military Presence Andrew I, Yeo Abstract Have states become more sensitive to issues of sovereignty and justice when hosting foreign troops over time? At first blush, the answer appears obvious, The tendency for host nations is to make more, not less, demands for

International Journal of Peace and Development Studies

PSJ founded in 2007 is an international peer-reviewed scholarly open access journal in the field of peace, conflict and justice studies,

International Journal of Peace Studies Volume 14 Number 1 Spring/Summer 2009 UN BLUE: AN EXAMINATION OF THE INTERDEPENDENCE BETWEEN UN PEACEKEEPING AND PEACEMAKING Susan S Allee Abstract In this article the author examines how the interaction between the political and military elements of multi-track approaches to UN peacekeeping and peacemaking have played out in the field and at

International Centre for Peace Studies The Centre aims at developing a methodology of conflict resolution and meeting the challenges of social tensions released by post-modern developmental paradigms About Us International Centre for Peace Studies is a non-governmental, non-profit-making registered society, engaged in the study and research on issues relating to peace and conflict in

International Journal of Peace Studies Volume 19 Number

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International Journal of Peace and Development Studies Abbreviation: Int J Peace and Dev, Stud; Language: English; ISSN: 2141-6621; DOI: 10,5897/IJPDS; Start Year: 2010; Published Articles: 94; IJPDS Home; About IJPDS; Editors; Instructions; Articles; Archive; Articles In Press; Keys to sustainable and enduring societal peace in intractable conflicts: A theoretical and empirical


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 · This issue of International Journal on World Peace has three very different articles: one on utopianism and peace, one on the nature of “enlightenment,” and one on the history of power struggles and human rights in Colombia, All of these articles are, nevertheless, related to the idea of social progress, Some ideas of “progress” are based on group advancement, where power is used by

Journal of Peace Research: SAGE Journals

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