kana converter japanese – kanji to kana

English to Katakana Converter

To use the converter just paste or type romaji or kana text into the textbox below If you note some conversion errors or another stuff please email me at whiteagle3k@gmail,com or better on the G+ page 10/01/2017 Announcement: From now on we accept translation orders for Russian-English-Deutsch-Spanish-Nihongo in any direction The translation is done by professional native interpreters

Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert


Japanese Pronunciation Tool – Kanji to Romaji Translator, Paste Japanese text here: Show transcription, Convert to: kana 娘 むすめ romaji 娘 musume International Phonetic Alphabet IPA 娘 mɯᵝsɯᵝme High and low tones styling: forward and backward slash 娘 む/すめ\


Type English words in the box below, Press “Convert to katakana” to convert them into katakana, This English-to-katakana converter is based on these rules for conversion , Your input looks like it might be romanized Japanese 「 default 」, To convert romaji to kana, see this page, ※ …

Handwritten, How Do I Write an English Word in Japanese, Deinflect Japanese Verbs, Inflect Verbs, Area

Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert Add your Japanese text: or Demo Main Simple roll + pop Simpler roll Simpler pop Simplest Please turn off your AdBlocker and refresh the page You have hit the 75 character limit for those not logged in The input will be chopped But is raised to around 30,000 for those who join and donate around $10/year,

Rōmaji to Kana Converter, This Romaji To Kana converter converts from Romaji to Hiragana and Romaji to Katakana,You can also translate the converted Kana to English thanks to Google translate engine,, Note that the translation maybe useful for beginning Japanese learners, it usually is not expected to be correct with complicated sentences or phrases,

Romaji to Hiragana and Katakana converter

Katakana to English converter, Enter a katakana word in the box below, Press the button to find similar English words in the dictionary,

kana-converter — Rust text processing library // Librs

Japanese Name Converter

Easily change any Japanese word, phrase, sentence, or text to romaji, Change both kanji and kana to romaji with the click of a button, Romaji conversion made easy!

Language study tools : Hiragana to Katakana Converter

English Name Generator Random Online Japanese Name Generator Korean Name Generator Anniversary Calculator Zodiac Search Age Calculator QR Code Generator, Japanese Kanji Name Dictionary How to read Japanese name, Japanese Name List, Japan National Postal Code List, , English Name Generator, Pinyin input method – Pinyin with tone marks, Traditional Chinese Characters to Simplified

Japanese Pronunciation Tool

Simple kana conversion! Convert any Japanese word, phrase, sentence, or text to hiragana, Convert kanji to hiragana, Enter your text and click to change to kana,

Dictionaries, Contact, About, Tools, Home,NihongoDera

kana converter japanese

in katakana is ,This is the conventional way to represent foreign names in Japanese, in romaji is This is how you would pronounce it using the roman alphabet,; If you are looking for Japanese names, you can search our list of Japanese names,


Katakana to English converter

kana converter japanese - kanji to kana

With this tool you can convert Chinese characters or pinyin to Katakana In the left box put the Chinese characters simplified or traditional Chinese and then choose how you want the tool to convert it The first option is just to display the Katakana the second option displays the Katakana with the Chinese tone, the third option displays the Chinese character with the Katakana in brackets

 · Kana conversion utilities to convert Japanese katakana and hiragana along with ASCII characters into full-width zenkaku or half-width hankaku forms There are various requirements around storing data reporting user presentation, etc, with regard to Japanese scripts and ASCII characters, With many services, data must be sent in a particular format for example, some financial services

The Japanese Name Converter uses a combination of dictionary lookup, substitution rules, and machine learning to convert English characters into katakana, For common English names, a dictionary lookup of about 4,000 English names is used, For other names, a learned substitution model trained on …

Convert Chinese characters 汉字) to katakana and pinyin to

Betonamu to Hiragana and Katakana

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