keep me in the loop – keep me in the loop meaning

keep me in the loop

keep me in the loop

What is the meaning of ‘keep me in the loop’?

つまり『Keep us in the loop, 』 の意味は、, 「定期的にコミュニケーションをしてきてください。, 」, 「何か分かったら、私たちにいつも情報をください。, 」, ということになります。, 何か問題が起きています。, そして電 …

keep in the loop

Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit “keep me in the loop” – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen,

Definition of keep me in the loop in the Idioms Dictionary, keep me in the loop phrase, What does keep me in the loop expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary, What does keep me in the loop expression mean?

In the loop, If you’re in the loop, you are fully informed about what is happening in a certain area or activity, I said: ‘Carry out the investigation, get management involved, and keep me in the loop about where this is going”,’, He added, “I personally followed the progress of the investigation step by step”,

keep me in loop or keep me in the loop?

Je veux que vous me garder dans la boucle sur, You promised to keep me in the loop, Vous deviez me tenir au courant, You were supposed to keep me in the loop, Agent Gibbs, Vous étiez censé me tenir au courant, agent Gibbs, I told you to keep me in the loop, Je vous avais demandé de m’inclure dans votre projet,

From corporate perspective “Keep me in the loop” Means keeping the person in CC Carbon copy, Usually mangers use to say this, For instance if you send mail by putting the managers mail Id in CC, He will also receive a copy of the mail, So that h

Is it correct to say “just want to keep you updated”? 21/10/2019
What does the phrase ‘keep you in the loop’ mean? 20/04/2016

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Professional ways of saying “Keep me in the loop in case

keep me in the loop

 · Keep me in the loop in case you have some other projects I may be able to contribute to collaboration communication Share Improve this question Follow edited Jan 15 ’18 at 19:41 IconDaemon 135 5 5 bronze badges, asked Jan 14 ’18 at 17:13, user23758 user23758, 3, 3, You can weave it into a concise thank-you note, But most importantly say it to the professor face to face both the thanks

keep me in the loop

keep me in the loop

to keep me in the loop

Keep me in the loop,” A, “I am meeting with my boss tomorrow about the presentation,” B, “Keep me in the loop and let me know what he says,” A, “Ok, I will let you know,” Other Common Sentences “Keep me informed,” “Make sure I am included,” Apprenez l’anglais bien PLUS RAPIDEMENT en téléchargeant la version hors ligne de TalkEnglish et impreignez-vous de l’anglais grâce à 8 000 fichiers

「Keep us in the loop,」って何?

B eing keep in the loop inf ormed 6, crwg-gdrc,ca, crwg-gdrc,ca, Ê tre tenu dans le coup informé 6, crwg-gdrc,ca, crwg-gdrc,ca, That is not good enough: we in the European Union want cooperation and t o be kept in the loop as w ell, europarl,europa,eu, europarl,europa,eu,

Keep me in the loop

keep me in the loop - keep me in the loop meaning

I have appreciated the, [] minister’s willingness to talk with me and keep me in the loop, but we need in a hurry from the minister, [] some specifics on the compensation, www2,parl,gc,ca, www2,parl,gc,ca, J’ai ap précié le fait que le mini stre soit disposé à discuter avec moi et accepte de me tenir au courant,

Keep Me in the Loop

De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant “keep me in the loop” – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises,

Je vous présente, Informer qqn

Some examples from the web: Next time, keep me in the loop, Well, keep me in the loop, Just keep me in the loop as to what’s going on at the 12th, Please, Keep me in the loop, Voight refuses to keep me in the loop, You were supposed to keep me in the loop, Agent Gibbs, Once again, way to keep me in the loop,

You promised to keep me in the loop, Vous deviez me tenir au courant, From now on, keep me in the loop, À l’avenir, tenez-moi au courant, Stay on that ship and keep me in the loop, Restez à bord et tenez-moi au courant, Voir plus d’exemples de traduction Anglais-Français en contexte pour “keep me in the loop ”,

Traduction keep me in the loop en Français

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