line magnetic lm 518ia – line magnetic 518ia review

Line Magnetic

Line Magnetic LM-518IA Noir, L’amplificateur à lampes Line Magnetic LM-518IA utilise 2 tubes triodes 845 montés en Single-ended et fonctionnant en pure classe A, Il délivre une puissance de 2 x 22 watts, L’amplificateur stéréo Line Magnetic LM-518IA dispose de 3 entrées lignes stéréo RCA mais aussi d’une entrée Pre-In stéréo, On peut ainsi l’utiliser comme ampli de puissance

Marque : Line Magnetic

Le Line Magnetic 518iA utilise des tubes triodes 845 montés en « single-ended » et fonctionnant en pure Classe A, Il délivre une puissance de 2x22W, Il dispose de 3 entrées lignes asymétriques, 1 entrée by-pass et des groupes de sorties de 4, 8 et 16Ω, Le vumètre rétroéclairé en façade sert à l’ajustement de la polarisation des tubes, L’usage de composants de haute qualité

Hauteur : 250 mm

Line magnetic LM-518IA Tube Amplifier -Power output,22W+22W -Frequency response,10Hz~50kHz(-1,5dB) -THD,1%(1kHz) -S/N Ratio,87dB A Weighted -Input Sensitivity,200mV(Integrated) Input Impedance,100kΩ -Output Impedance,4Ω ,8Ω ,16Ω -Power Requirements, ~220V±5%(50Hz) Category: Line Magnetic, Share: Description; Description, Product

The Line Magnetic LM-518IA mated especially well with the Falcon LS3/5a that I reviewed in August The amp’s 16-ohm taps loved the 15-ohm Falcons and the Falcons really let those 845 tubes strut their stuff: The bright emitters wrung every Stereophile Line Magnetic Audio Co Ltd Line Magnetic Audio LM-518IA integrated amplifier , Stereophile,com

Line Magnetic Audio LM-518IA integrated amplifier

Line Magnetic Audio 518IA se com – mercialise à un prix plus que compé-titif, Sa conception, de la structure câblée en l’air partout où c’est pos-sible au choix des tubes, en fait un amplificateur intégré plus qu’intéres-sant, au rapport qualité/prix excep-tionnel dans l’Hexagone, VERDICT Particulièrement simple à utiliser, d’une fiabilité exemplaire, cet ampli-ficateur

Line Magnetic Audio LM-518IA integrated amplifier

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LM 218IA 845 Single Ended, LM 210IA 300B Single Ended, LM 219IA 845 Single Ended, LM 501IA KT 120 Push Pull, LM 518IA 845 Single Ended, Préamplificateurs, VV-3 Tube Pre Amplifier, LM-1126 Line Preamplifier with 20B External Supply, 25B Line 129A and 18A

Amplificateurs à tubes intégrés Line Magnetic Audio

Amplificateur à tubes 845 L’ amplificateur hifi intégré Line Magnetic LM-518iA utilise des tubes triodes 845 montés en «single-ended» et fonctionnant en pure Classe A Il délivre une puissance de 2 x 22 W Il dispose de trois entrées lignes asymétriques, d’une entrée by …

line magnetic lm 518ia

Line Magnetic LM-518IA Noir

LM-88iA Amplificateur intégré – Push Pull KT88 – 2x42W Le Line Magnetic 88IA est un amplificateur intégré utilisant pour son étage de puissance 2 paires de tubes KT-88 montés en Push-Pull et pour sa partie préamplificateur des tubes 6CL8A et 12BH7, Finitions :


line magnetic lm 518ia - line magnetic 518ia review

Amplificateur hifi intégré à tubes 845 Line Magnetic LM-518IA

AUDIO 518IA Prix d’excellence

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Line Magnetic LM-518IA 1 2, Main Fuses 2 3, Power cord 1 4, Remote control 1 5, 1,5V BatteriesAAA 2 6, User s Manual 1 7, Warranty Card 1 Note:All other parts except above are not included, Recommendation: Keep all packing materials for future use and please fill in the warranty card for registration of warranty, Note:

 · Line Magnetic Audio LM-518IA integrated amplifier Tube Rolling The most important thing you can do with a thermionic valve is to hold it in your hand and study it with your eyes More than you might think what you see is what you get High-energy electrons are boiled off the heater or cathode pass through the wire control grid and collide

Line Magnetic 518ia integrated amplifier North American

Line Magnetic LM-518IA-845 Integrated Tube Amplifier This excellent superb item fully handcrafted to perfection in point to point wiring works as integrated amplifier Single Ended Pure Class A Triode design with output 2x 22 W on tubes 845 in final stages Power-full and able to handle a quite wide range speakers delivering richest and

Line Magnetic Audio LM-518IA integrated amplifier Tube


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 · The Line Magnetic LM-518IA integrated amplifier is such a product Description In 2005 two brothers established the Line Magnetic Audio Co Ltd, to manufacture—in their own factory in Zhuhai in China’s Guangdong Province—distinct ranges of CD players DACs, amplifiers, and loudspeakers, They were motivated by the excellent sound and build qualities and elegant appearance of vintage

Mono & Stereo © 2021: Line Magnetic LM-518IA-845

 · Line Magnetic 518ia on the right Note the custom bass trap in top right corner As I was saying…for the past month I’ve been trippin’ on the fantastic Line Magnetic 518ia I had seen good but brief write-ups of the amp in reports from audio shows over the past two years where the amp has been paired with DeVore Fidelity speakers, When I read Richard Austen’s rave review on dagogo

Line magnetic LM-518IA Tube Amplifier

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