minecraft wiki obsidian – crying obsidian minecraft

minecraft wiki obsidian


Obsidian is used to make a Nether portal, 1 Obtaining 2 Usage 3 Bedsidian 3,1 Properties 3,2 Obtaining 3,3 Owners 3,4 Duplication Glitch Reports 4 Gallery Obsidian is generally found around pockets of lava underground, They are also obtainable by placing lava in water to turn it into obsidian, Obsidian is a hard block to break taking an estimated 10-20 seconds assuming there is no lag

Obsidian is a purplish-blackBlock added in Alpha 0,1,0,It has an extremely high Blast Resistance,second only toBedrock, 1 Obtaining 2 Crafting 3 Usage 4 Trivia Obsidian can spawn underground naturally when flowing Water meets a Lavasource Block, Occasionally, Obsidian occurs naturally inVillageblacksmith Chests, Obsidian can also be found in The End, where the End Crystal towers on the main

Obsidian is naturally formed when flowing water hits a lava source block, but in Tekkit Lite it can be crafted, in multiple ways, It is also used in a lot of recipes, Obsidian Transport Pipe Obsidian Transport Pipe/Recipe Laser Laser/Recipe Assembly Table Assembly Table/Recipe Advanced Crafting

Minecraft Dungeons:Obsidian Claymore – Official Minecraft Wiki

Obsidian is a dark purple and black block, known for its high blast resistance meaning it can only blow up by Withers, or if 562 blocks of TNT is surrounding the obsidian, Obsidian is used to make Nether Portals, 1 Uses 2 Obtaining 2,1 PC 2,1,1 Naturally 2,1,2 Lava and Water 2,1,3 The End 2,1,3,1 End pillars 2,1,3,2 End spawn platform 2,2 Pocket Edition 3 As a crafting ingredient Obsidian is

The obsidian wall was an experimental short-lived debugging structure made up exclusively of obsidian Obsidian walls would generate on the uppermost blocks which had an X or Z coordinate of 0 This formed a set of two walls for the two cardinal directions intersecting at the center of the world The player would spawn at the point of intersection of the two resulting planes, The wall was

Crying Obsidian – Official Minecraft Wiki

Der Obsidian ist ein schwarz-dunkelvioletter Block der besonders für seinen hohen Explosionswiderstand bekannt ist 1 Eigenschaften 2 Gewinnung 21 Abbau 2,2 Vorkommen 2,2,1 Wasser und Lava 2,2,2 Bauwerke 2,3 Netherportale 2,4 Tauschhandel 3 Verwendung 4 Fortschritte 5 Erfolge 6 Trivia 7 Galerie 8 Einzelnachweise 9 Geschichte Obsidian kann mit einer Diamantspitzhacke erfolgreich abgebaut

4 manières de faire de l’obsidienne dans Minecraft

Dans Minecraft les blocs d’obsidienne violet foncé et noirs résistent à toutes les explosions à part les attaques aux crânes bleus des Withers Il s’agit donc d’une matière très utile pour construire des abris résistants aux explosions afin de vous protéger des creepers et des autres joueurs L’obsidienne est également utilisée pour plusieurs recettes, dont celle de la table d

minecraft wiki obsidian - crying obsidian minecraft

Obsidian – Official Minecraft Wiki

Obsidian is the fourth-strongest block in Minecraft after bedrock, barriers and command Blocks and Obsidian is the strongest block that can be mined by players, as bedrock and barriers can be placed but can’t be mined once it’s placed, 1 Sources 2 Uses 3 Mining 3,1 Java Edition 3,2 Bedrock Edition 4 Crafting 5 Trivia 6 Gallery 7 Video Obsidian can only be found naturally near lava beds that


Crying obsidian is a luminous variant of obsidian that can be used to craft a respawn anchor and produces purple particles when placed 1 Obtaining 1,1 Breaking 1,2 Natural generation 1,3 Chest loot 1,4 Bartering 2 Usage 2,1 Crafting ingredient 2,2 Light 2,3 Note Blocks 2,4 Piston interactivity 3 Sounds 4 Data values 4,1 ID 5 Advancements 6 History 7 Trivia 8 Gallery 9 References Crying

The Obsidian Claymore is a melee weapon in Minecraft Dungeons added in the Echoing Void DLC It has a unique variant called The Starless Night 1 Obtaining 2 Usage 21 Abilities: 3 History Locations: End Wilds Other: Village Merchant Luxury Merchant Mystery Merchant Piglin Merchant Ancient Mobs

Obsidian wall – Official Minecraft Wiki


You can help the Minecraft Wiki by expanding this article, The Obsidian Walls were used to mark the coordinates of the game with the intersection being at the center of the world 0, 0, It was removed when coordinates were implemented, Basin • Desert Temple • Desert Well • Huge Mushrooms • …

Obsidian – Das offizielle Minecraft Wiki


Obsidian is a dark purple block known for its high blast resistance and strength It is most commonly found when water flows over lava Among other things obsidian is used to …

Blast resistance : 1,200

Obsidienne – Le Minecraft Wiki officiel


Obsidian Walls

L’obsidienne nom anglais: obsidian est un bloc sombre connu pour sa forte résistance 1 Obtention 1,1 Minage 1,2 Lave et eau 1,2,1 Ramassage d’obsidienne dans les grottes 1,2,2 Culture et fonte 1,3 Génération naturelle 1,3,1 Surface 1,3,2 Nether 1,3,3 Ender 1,4 Coffres 2 Mécanique 3 Utilisation 3,1 Portails du Nether 3,2 Fabrication 4 Progrès 5 Sons 6 Historique 7 Notes diverses 8

Butin : lui-même

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