past continuous phrases – past simple ou past continuous

Definition of Past Continuous Tense, Past Continuous Tense represents an on-going action of the past, It uses was/were and “ing” is added with the verb, Examples of Past Continuous Tense, I was writing articles on different topics, He was reading various kinds of books, They were playing football in that field, She was drinking coffee in that coffee shop,

Le prétérit continu anglais s’emploie dans les cas suivants : action en cours à un moment particulier du passé Exemple : Lucy was sitting on the beach at six o’clock yesterday Hier à six heures Lucy était assise sur la plage actions qui se déroulent simultanément dans le passé Exemple :

past continuous phrases - past simple ou past continuous

Past continuous : quand et comment utiliser ce temps

Le past continuous ou preterit continu ou progressif se construit donc différemment du preterit simple qui exprime lui une ou des actions courtes passées L’action décrite avec le past continuous est plutôt une action longue comme pour le présent progressif Elle a lieu dans le passé et il peut s’agir également d’actions simultanées Cette action a lieu alors qu’autre chose se passe La construction se fait donc, com…

Past continuous anglais I was doing

Temps de Lecture Estimé: 3 mins

Conjuguez les verbes suivants au past continuous OU au prétérit I watch………………a movie when I hear………………,my mother scream When I come………………back last night my husband cook………………… Ealier this morning I clean……………,the house, I see……………,her two days ago, She wear……………,,her high school uniform,

Past Continuous Tense , Affirmative Sentences, • I was watching the bird, • She was doing her homework, • Rina was giving me some food, • They were going to school, • It was having rain in their village, • I was going to buy an umbrella, • He was shooting at the enemies, • I was smelling something bad,

=> PAST CONTINUOUS Examine the second situation : Lisa and Luke were playing tennis = they were in the middle of playing 415 : Jim arrived ! Jim arrived => PAST SIMPLE prétérit Conclusion :

Le prétérit continu ou en be + ing – La conjugaison anglaise

past simple =passé simple PASSE CONTINU past continuous = passé progressif Action passée et datée J’ai lu hier, I read yesterday, Action continue au passé I was reading … = Je lisais… = J’étais en train de lire… Action généralement au passé interrompue par une action au passé simple

Past continuous anglais: cours sur le past continuous

past continuous phrases

Past simple ou past continuous

Forming the Past Continuous Tense, The past continuous is formed from the past tense of “to be” with the base of the main verb plus the ending “-ing” form of the verb, It is formed like this: Subject + was/were + continuous form of the verb ending in -ing, One example of this tense is: I was watching television when she called me last night, The past continuous tense is “was watching,” Another example of this tense is: We …

Past continuous – negative form = SUJET + WAS / WERE + NOT + BASE VERBALE + -ING You were not / weren’t walking in the park juː wɜː nɒt / wɜːnt ˈwɔːkɪŋ ɪn ðə pɑːk

Past continuous/Past simple-anglais

Past Continuous Tense

Examples of Past Continuous Tense

Le past continuous est employé pour : décrire le cadre d’une histoire ou une situation au passé; She was wearing a blue skirt The birds were singing the sun was shining and the wind was blowing contraster deux actions au passé : une action longue au past continuous interrompue par une courte action au passé simple

Past continuous anglais : exercices gratuits et corrigés

The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past, The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be i,e,, was/were with the verb’s present participle -ing word, There are many situations in which this verb tense might be used in a sentence, For example, it is often used to describe conditions that existed in the past,

 · We use the past continuous to talk about the past: for something which happened before and after another action: The children were doing their homework when I got home, Compare: The children did their homework when = after I got home, This use of the past continuous is very common at …

Le past continuous passé continu en anglais : comment le

Past continuous

100 Sentences of Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense Examples

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