scp 123 – scp 049


Read SCP-123 from the story SCP # 1 by Mayu021X with 38 reads, horreur, paranormal, experience, Objet # : SCP-123 / Trou noir miniature confiné Classe : Eucli


scp 123

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SCP 123

Object is a gray geodesic sphere 65cm in diameter consisting of sixty triangles, The areas between these triangles are empty, allowing the center of the sphere to be seen, The material the sphere is composed of is unknown, The geodesic sphere is hollow, save for the very center, At the center of SCP-123 is what appears to be a black sphere, approximately 1 mm in diameter, No light can be seen

SCP-123-FR, Schémas théoriques des composants de SCP-123-FR, Classe : Sûr peut être temporairement reclassé Euclide ou Keter si l’objet devient instable ou si sa nature évolue, Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : Le seul accès à SCP-123-FR doit être restreint à tout …

SCP-123 semble peser 3,62 kg, il est supposé que sa masse réelle est beaucoup plus élevée, L’intérieur de la sphère est creux, sauf sur un point précis du centre de SCP-123, où il semble il y avoir une petite sphère noire, ayant approximativement pour diamètre 1mm, La lumière ne peut être vue, émise ou réfléchie sur ce point précis, Le coeur possède une force gravitationnelle


SCP # 1


SCP-123 appears to weigh about 3,62 kg, though its actual mass is believed to be much higher, The geodesic sphere is hollow, save for the very center, At the center of SCP-123 is what appears to be a black sphere, approximately 1 mm in diameter, No light can be seen being reflected off or emitted from the black sphere, The core also appears to exhibit significant gravitational force, which

Item #: SCP-123 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-123 is to be kept in a safe, a minimum of 3m x 1m x 1m, submersible within the Arctic Circle of the Arctic Sea, SCP-123’s password is unknown at this time, No outside individuals or programming is to be allowed within SCP-123’s immediate vicinity in the event that an anomalous event occurs,




SCP-123 is located in Site-09, SCP-123 used to be a school classroom for kindergarteners, but it was figured out that the growth of everyone that was in there was multiplied by , They could become in an of time, The teacher, Ms, was found dead soon after school closed, The PD arrived, but found no injuries,

 · 1 Branchez votre dongle Bluetooth idem pour votre Dualshock 3 et laissez Windows installer les pilotes par défaut 2, Téléchargez l’archive de la dernière version de SCP Drivers Package en

 · SCP-123 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as Contained Miniature Black Hole,SCP 123 is a gray geodesic sphere 65 cm in diameter consisting of sixty triang

Auteur : SCP Explained – Story & Animation

SCP-123-J was originally purchased by Agent C in a Safeway supermarket located in , Maryland, Upon ingesting it through the use of a SCP-123-J-2, the Agent handed SCP-123-J to Agent F , urging confirmation that the substance was butter, Agent F ingested the remaining portion of SCP-123-J-2 and alerted the Foundation,

scp 123 - scp 049


Read SCP-123 from the story SCP FR #1 by Mayu021X with 16 reads, monstre, fondation, horreur, Objet # : SCP-123/”Univers”


SCP-123 appears to weigh about 3,62 kg, though its actual mass is believed to be much higher, The geodesic sphere is hollow, save for the very center, At the center of SCP-123 is what appears to be a black sphere, approximately 1 mm in diameter, No light can be seen being reflected off or emitted from the black sphere, The core also appears to exhibit significant gravitational force, which

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