silicon based lifeforms vs carbon – carbon based liformed

 · Silicon and carbon both contain four valance electrons on their outer shell Both carbon and silicon are analogous compounds Both have the same bonding properties They both can make exactly four bonds Each elements can bond to oxygen Chemists believe that silicon based life would be chains of animated crystals:

How feasible are silicon based life forms compared to

 · Silicon can grow into a number of lifelike structures but its chemistry makes it unlikely that it could be the basis for alien life-forms Indeed, carbon and silicon share many characteristics

Temps de Lecture Estimé: 6 mins

Silicon Based Life vs Carbon Based Life by Evan Cason

Question: How feasable are silicon based life forms compared to carbon based lifeforms? Under what circumstances could silicon based life exist over carbon based? Answer: I’m not an organic chemist Hopefully someone who is will respond, However I

Silicon-Based Life May Be More Than Just Science Fiction

10 Hypothetical Forms Of Life

silicon based lifeforms vs carbon

 · Reading the recent ScienceAlert article “For the first time, living cells have formed carbon-silicon bonds”, it is stated that despite the relative abundance of silicon in the surface of the Earth, there are no silicon based lifeforms,Specifically, the article asserts: Why silicon has never be incorporated into any kind of biochemistry on Earth has been a long-standing puzzle for scientists

Silicon-based lifeforms would not have these amino acids as all of them contain carbon This is what makes us carbon-based This is what makes us carbon-based, There is …

What If We Were Silicon-Based Life Forms?

Cosmic Evolution

silicon based lifeforms vs carbon - carbon based liformed

Could silicon be the basis for alien life forms just as

 · Several science fiction stories feature silicon-based life-forms–sentient crystals gruesome golden grains of sand and even a creature whose spoor or scat was bricks of silica left behind The novellas are good reading but there are a few problems with the chemistry Indeed carbon and silicon share many characteristics Each has a so-called valence of four–meaning that individual atoms

Silicon-based Life Conceivably, other kinds of biology might be so different from life on Earth that we know neither how to study them nor even detect them, For example, the element silicon Si has chemical properties similar to those of carbon and thus might be suitable in place of carbon as a basis for some living organisms, Such alternative biochemistries might have real advantages

 · Silicon is popular precisely because it is so similar to carbon and can form four bonds just like carbon, opening the possibility of an entirely silicon-based biochemical system, It is the most abundant element in Earth’s crust other than oxygen, There is a form of algae on Earth which incorporates silicon into its growth process, Silicon suffers the disadvantage of playing second fiddle to

Hypothetical types of biochemistry

The idea appears to be broadly based on silicon’s apparent similarity to carbon, Silicon is close to carbon in the periodic table, it has a valency of 4 the same as carbon and so each atom could in principle form bonds with up to 4 other atoms and could also therefore apparently be a building block a bit like carbon – and so may in principle be able to form similar structures, one might think,

Would carbon-based lifeforms be able to eat silicon-based

Silicon-based life Like carbon, silicon can create molecules that are sufficiently large to carry biological information; however, the scope of possible silicon chemistry is far more limited than that of carbon, Silicon dioxide biochemistry Non-water solvents Silicon dioxide-based life Gerald Feinberg and Robert Shapiro have suggested that molten silicate rock could serve as a liquid medium

Is silicon-based life a possible alternative for carbon

 · By Don Lincoln Ph,D University of Notre Dame We know that carbon is one of the key if not the most important components of all living organisms including humans, And, because silicon and carbon share certain chemical similarities, it has led to science fiction authors floating the possibility of silicon-based …

 · Carbon is the backbone of every known biological molecule Life on Earth is based on carbon likely because each carbon atom can form bonds with up to four other atoms simultaneously

Does silicon-based life exist?


 · So far, science has managed to show that some bacteria are able to infuse silicon into carbon-based molecules, But solely silicon-based life on earth remains improbable, if not impossible,

Misconceptions of Science: Is Silicon-based Life Possible?

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