softlayer technologies – softlayer technologies france


SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE Société par action simplifiées au capital de 30 000€ a débuté son activité en août 2014 Béatrice Anne Renée KOSOWSKI est président de la société SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE Le siège social de cette entreprise est actuellement situé 7 rue Petit – 92110 Clichy SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE évolue sur le secteur d’activité : Services d’information

Lieu : 7 RUE PETIT CLICHY 92110

SoftLayer® Technologies Inc :: IP Backbone Looking Glass

Dénomination : SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE Siren : 803933274 Selon PV du 06 mai 2021 des DAU de SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE SAS au capital de 30000 euros, Siege social 7-9 rue Petit 92210 Clichy, 803,933,274 RCS Nanterre, constatant que le mandat du Commissaire aux comptes suppléant de M, Jean-Christophe Georghiou est arrivé à expiration, il a été décidé de nommer en

Softlayer Technologies Inc, operates cloud infrastructure platform, The Company offers cloud computing, storage, and infrastructure solutions, dedicated servers, content delivery network, and

SoftLayer Technologies Inc

Built with all the benefits of SoftLayer®, IBM Cloud is engineered from the ground up to be the most open and secure public cloud for your business,* Benefits, The performance advantages of IBM Cloud, Get all the power you need Take control of resources Customize a configuration Make connections worldwide Get all the power you need, Every cloud server comes with a guaranteed 2,0 GHz or

Softlayer Technologies France Clichy 92110 : siret TVA

SoftLayer Technologies, Inc, now IBM Cloud was a dedicated server, managed hosting, and cloud computing provider, founded in 2005 and acquired by IBM in 2013, SoftLayer initially specialized in hosting workloads for gaming companies and startups, but shifted focus to enterprise workloads after its acquisition, SoftLayer had bare-metal compute offerings before other large cloud providers such

SoftLayer Technologies Inc,

Android Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc,

softlayer technologies - softlayer technologies france

SoftLayer — Wikipédia

Vue d’ensemble


SoftLayer on IBM Cloud

SoftLayer Technologies Inc, SoftLayer Technologies Inc, SoftLayer, an IBM company, is the cloud infrastructure provider of choice for companies building for Internet Scale, We provide global, on-demand data center and hosting services from world-class data centers in Amsterdam, Dallas, Houston, San Jose, Seattle, Singapore, and Washington D,C,, with network Points of Presence nationwide, We

SoftLayer Customer Portal

SoftLayer’s new name: IBM Cloud – United Kingdom

 · Cette installation de Softlayer technologies en France avait particulièrement retenu l’attention Pourtant il ne faut pas oublier le travail effectué en moins de deux ans par la firme En 2015, Softlayer sous la houlette d’IBM annonçait avoir à disposition 23 data centers dans 11 pays à travers le monde, La collaboration avec le gestionnaire de Data Centers californien Digital

SoftLayer Technologies, Inc,, an IBM Company, SoftLayer Dutch Holdings, B,V,, and/or SoftLayer Technologies Asia Private Limited and Customer are parties to the MSA; Customer has ordered products and services from a SoftLayer Singapore datacenter “Singapore Services”; The parties now intend to amend the MSA as provided in this SPS Addendum: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual

Comment Softlayer est-il devenu le fournisseur du Cloud

 · SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE société par actions simplifiée au capital social de 3000000 EURO dont le siège social est situé au 7 RUE PETIT 92110 CLICHY immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Nanterre sous le numéro 803933274 représentée par MME Beatrice KOSOWSKI agissant et ayant les pouvoirs nécessaires en


softlayer technologies

SoftLayer’s new name: IBM Cloud, New name and look, Same power and control, Powerful bare metal servers, Next-gen virtual servers, High-intensive workloads, As SoftLayer, we built our cloud to perform, Now that we’re IBM Cloud, we’re taking the cloud we built from the ground up and making it the best-in-class cloud solution for your business today,

SoftLayer® Technologies

SoftLayer Technologies reserves the right to terminate this service/application or any feature within its sole discretion at any given time By using SoftLayer Technologies’s Looking Glass you agree to accept all responsibility and risk associated with the use of this script/application in addition to the unpredictive performance & nature of Internet dependent/related services By using

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