spiranthes lacera

Spiranthes lacera is a plant of the family Orchidaceae and the genus Spiranthes 1 Distribution 2 Description 3 Culture 4 Naming 4,1 Synonyms Plant is found in Florida and eastern United States, and Canada, Plant blooms from spring to summer with up to forty 3 mm wide flowers, Grow in moderate

Les délicates fleurs blanches de la Spiranthe découpée Spiranthes lacera s’alignent sur un seul rang qui se dévelope en une spirale toute en longueur La plus grande des Spiranthes présentes au Québec elle peut atteindre 80 centimètre de hauteur C’est aussi la plus filiforme car sa tige est très fine Parc de la Gatineau 24 juillet 2015 : Les petites feuilles basilaires ne sont

spiranthes lacera

Spiranthes lacera Raf Raf,

Spiranthes lacera var gracilis is more southern and associated with open meadow from the eastern Great Plains and throughout southeastern US It’s distinguished from var lacera by more densely packed flowers total absence of hairs on the stem and basal leaves withered away by flowering time, In Minnesota it is known only from two 100+ year old specimens collected in Hennepin county, Present in bordering counties of both …

SIMILAR SPECIES: Spiranthes lacera is perhaps the most easily identified species of Spiranthes found in Wisconsin The green spot on the labellum is distinctive HABITAT: Spiranthes lacera is found in moist to dry typically sandy acidic soil Habitats in Wisconsin include jack-pine barrens and open pine woods to …

Spiranthes lacera slender ladies’-tresses: Go Botany

Spiranthes lacera Raf,Raf, Common Name: EATON’S LADIESTRESSES: Plant Notes: Recent work has provided evidence for treating S, eatonii as synonymous with S, lacera Dueck et al, 2014; Pace 2015; Pace & Cameron 2016, Status: Native, FACW DEP, FACU NWPL …

Spiranthes species Spiranthes lacera Name Synonyms Neottia lacera Raf, Homonyms Spiranthes lacera Raf, Raf, Common names northern slender ladies’-tresses in language, northern slender lady’s tresses in English slender ladiestresses in language,

Spiranthes — Wikipédia

Spiranthes lacera

Spiranthes lacera

spiranthes lacera

Spiranthes lacera

Rich 1817 La spiranthe d’automne Spiranthes spiralis est une toute petite orchidée aux fleurs blanches quasi-tubulaires qui éclosent au mois de septembre c’est la plus tardive des orchidées présentes en France On la rencontre sur des pelouses rases

Spiranthes lacera RafRaf Facts About Spiranthes lacera commonly called Slender Ladies’ Tresses is widely distributed across eastern and Pollination This orchid is pollinated by a variety of long tongued bees including Anthidiellum notatum, Bombus Notes on Subspecies and Varieties,

Spiranthe découpée Spiranthes lacera

Spiranthes lacera

Spiranthes lacera Raf, Raf,

Two varieties of Spiranthes lacera are recognized in Minnesota: Southern Slender Ladies’-tresses var gracilis sometimes known by synonym Spiranthes gracilis is as the name suggests the more southern species and associated with open meadow from the eastern Great Plains and throughout the southeastern US In Minnesota this species is known only from two 100+ year old specimens collected somewhere in …

Spiranthes lacera var lacera Northern Slender Ladies

Spiranthes lacera S, lacera var, gracilis – Southern slender ladies’ tresses, flowers more densely arranged in spiral, blooming later S, lacera var, lacera – Northern slender ladies’ tresses, flowers more loosely arranged in spiral, blooming earlier

Spiranthes lacera: Synonym: Family: Common Name: Authority: Etymology: C Value: Wetness: # of Species in Genus in Illinois: Duration: Reproduction: Flower Type: Flower Shape: Flower # of Parts: Flower Color: …

Spiranthes lacera Raf, Raf, Characteristic of dry sandy soil of jack pine plains, often with blueberry and bracken; also under red pine and oak, in moist aspen forests and conifer thickets along shores and dunes, and in thin soil on rocks in the western Upper Peninsula; rarely in moist places,

Spiranthes lacera var gracilis Southern Slender Ladies

Spiranthes lacera var gracilis shows stipitate-glands in the inflorescence and usually two unbranched veins on the lateral petals, Spiranthes × ‌intermedia is further characterized by yellow-green coloration along the center of the labellum that may become more yellow near the apex and a stipitate column similar

Spiranthes lacera Slender Ladies’ Tresses: Go Orchids

Spiranthes lacera

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