tcr seq – tcr repertoire sequencing

High-throughput 3′ single-cell RNA-sequencing scRNA-seq allows cost-effective detailed characterization of individual immune cells from tissues Current techniques however are limited in their ability to elucidate essential immune cell features including variable sequences of T cell antigen receptors TCRs that confer antigen specificity Here, we present a strategy that enables simultaneous analysis of TCR sequences and …

RNA-Seq-Based TCR Profiling Reveals Persistently Increased

 · T细胞受体(T-cell receptor),简称TCR,是在T细胞表面发现的一种分子[1],T细胞介导的抗原识别依赖于T细胞受体与抗原-主要组织相容性复合体MHC的相互作用(图1)。当TCR、抗原肽、MHC结合时,T淋巴细胞通过信号转导被激活,进入后续的免疫应答过程。

Substantial effort is being invested in the search for peripheral or intratumoral T cell receptor TCR repertoire features that could predict the response to immunotherapy Here we demonstrate the utility of MiXCR software for TCR and immunoglobulin repertoire extraction from RNA …

tcr seq

 · Here we present a novel tool named CATT which can apply on TCR sequencing TCR-Seq RNA-Seq and single-cell TCRRNA-Seq data to characterize CDR3 repertoires CATT integrated maximum-network-flow based micro-assembly algorithm data-driven error correction model and Bayes classification algorithm, to self-adaptively and ultra-sensitively characterize CDR3 repertoires with high accuracy, Benchmark results of …

For TCR sequencing, we recommend the upgraded version of the kits below, the SMARTer Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit v2 TCR v2, Based on the same great chemistry, TCR v2 improves upon it with UMIs for confident clonotype calls, UDIs for increased multiplexing capabilities, and easy-to-use bioinformatics software for an end-to-end solution,


 · 单细胞TCR-Seq技术正好可以为这个问题带来一种完善的解决方案。对单个T细胞进行测序,一方面可以直接获得单细胞水平下克隆型的多样性信息;另一方面也可以直接对α-β链配对信息进行分析研究。为α-β受体链找到失散的“小伙伴”不再那么艰难!

TCR sequencing paired with massively parallel 3′ RNA-seq

AmpliSeq for Illumina TCR beta-SR Panel

SMARTer Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit

单细胞TCR-Seq技术——更高效的TCR a/b 链配对分析

 · Furthermore single-cell T cell receptor TCR sequencing scTCR-seq can effectively identify clonal cells and characterize their relationships In infectious diseases the combination of scTCR-seq and scRNA-seq allows for simultaneous analysis of paired TCR sequences and the transcriptome to track T cell clones Azizi et al, 2018 ; Yost et al, 2019

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Longitudinal high-throughput TCR repertoire profiling

 · To study antigen-specific T cells comprehensively two sequencing-based approaches have emerged: bulk genomic sequencing of TCR gene repertoires …

Cited by : 25

Profiling tissue-resident T cell repertoires by RNA

 · RNA-seq is a useful tool for detecting and characterizing clonal TCR rearrangements in PTCL T-cell clonality of peripheral T-cell lymphoma PTCL is routinely evaluated with a PCR-based method

An ultrasensitive T-cell receptor detection method for TCR

tcr seq - tcr repertoire sequencing

TCR-seq methods: strengths weaknesses and rankings

AmpliSeq for Illumina TCR beta-SR Short Read Panel is a highly multiplexed targeted resequencing panel intended for use with multiple sample types, including formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded FFPE tumor samples, It is designed to measure T cell diversity and clonal expansion by sequencing T cell receptor TCR beta chain rearrangements,

 · TCR-seq applied to tissue specimens can provide insight into tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes [4 5] T cells associated with autoimmune pathology [6–8] and infection and the properties of normal primary and secondary lymphatic tissues [10 11] Conventional TCR-seq methods provide a detailed view of TCR diversity [2 3, 12], However, because they rely on targeted amplicon sequencing, they do not evaluate TCR variation in …

Temps de Lecture Estimé: 11 mins

Single-Cell TCR Sequencing Reveals the Dynamics of T Cell

 · The fundamentals of TCR-seq Most TCR-seq methods can be broadly categorized based on the starting material DNA-based methods are thought to be better suited for quantification of individual TCR clones with a single template per cell but this can become expensive, RNA-based methods are more sensitive and provide quantitative estimates of TCR abundance and gene expression, as well as the ability to easily …

TCR sequencing paired with massively parallel 3′ RNA-seq

 · T cells recognise short pathogen-derived peptides presented on the cell surface of the major histocompatibility complex MHC using hypervariable T-cell receptors TCR TCR repertoire sequencing allows for the quantitative tracking of T-cell clones in time, as they …

Assessment of T-cell receptor repertoire and clonal

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