ucla double major petition – ucla double major requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

as a single or double major for Transfer Students admitted to UCLA via another major Beginning in AY 2013-14 the Department of Political Science will allow transfer students who did not enter UCLA as a Political Science pre-major to petition to switch into Political Science as a single or double-major in Political Science only if all of the following requirements are met 1 A 3,7 minimum GPA in UC transferable courses

While there is no deadline for Major/Classification Change petitions, students and departments should submit petitions before the end of tenth week of instruction for changes in the current quarter, Students should consult with their department about any deadlines before completing a Major/Classification Change petition, …

Major/Classification Change Petition

Change Of Major

The courses can be petitioned from other community colleges, universities, under a UCLA department or specialty College i,e, Engineering, Make sure to include as much information as possible: course description, course syllabus, and course textbook, Double Major Petition Process

Use this form to petition for a change of major, minor, or College or school, Students in good academic standing who wish to change their major may petition to do so, provided they can complete the new major within the 216-unit limit, Petitions must be submitted to and approved by the department or committee in charge of the new major, Changes to or from multiple majors require College/school and department approval, …

Double Major/Minor: Request to Add a Double Major or Minor Form: At least a 3,00 gpa and in good academic standing, Must provide 4 or 5 year plan of all courses to be taken in primary major and second major/minor, per the petition form: Use the Request to Add a Double Major or Minor Form FIRST, If approved, additional paperwork will be required to officially add a double major/minor,

Petition to switch to the Political Science Major as a

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Major Change Petition 3a

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 · About double majors A student in good standing may petition to declare a double major Courses taken in fulfillment of lower-division requirements may overlap The two majors may not be within the School of Engineering nor except with the approval of the Undergraduate Council within a single department, Declare a double major 1, Make sure you meet the requirements,

UCLA Arts: School of the Arts and Architecture

I take it that the majority of us will be on the high range when we transfer with 90-105

ucla double major petition

 · A student whose current major is in the College of Letters & Science would need to meet the eligibility requirements as described below to change their primary major to Engineering and then request to add double major, Double majors involving two majors within Engineering is not allowed e,g, Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science For double majors, your primary major must be in Engineering and the …

Petition Process

 · I know you can petition to go over the limit, but I don’t know how strict UCLA is with UCLA: Double Majoring and 216 Unit Cap, Transfer Students, UC Transfers , samus April 22, 2008, 12:27am #1

 · The steps for petitioning a double major are fully explained at https://cac,ucla,edu/academic-planning/declaring-a-double-major-minor-or-specialization/, Send completed double-major petition forms to undergrad@history,ucla,edu to have them signed electronically,

To apply for a double major you must complete and submit a petition for Change of Academic Program The petition must be approved by both departments offering each major and submitted to the Office of Student Services for final consideration Visit the UG Admissions website for a list of majors offered at UCLA

 · You can petition to declare a double major upon completing: All preparation pre-major requirements for both majors; Two 2 or more upper division courses in each major With few exceptions double majors in the same department are unacceptable

How to Declare a Double Major Undergraduates

ucla double major petition - ucla double major requirements

Undergraduate Program Change Petition

UCLA: Double Majoring and 216 Unit Cap

Major,Minor,College/School StudentInformationpleaseprintclearly CURRENTPROGRAMbeforechange PROPOSEDPROGRAMafterchange FullNameLast,First Middle 9-DigitUCLAID E-MailAddress ContactTelephone OFFICEUSEONLY 71465-212 017UPCP082709 College/School College/School Majors/Concentrations Majors/Concentrations Specializations Specializations

Frequently Asked Questions

Alright, so I scoured through most all of the websites,, but I wanted to make sure of a few things,

In order to petition the College for a double major, you must first complete all of the pre-major course requirements for both majors, as well as two upper-division courses in each major, The steps for petitioning a double major are explained at https://cac,ucla,edu/petitions-forms/change-in-major-minor/ , When you submit the forms to an Economics counselor via the MyUCLA Message Center, the subject title of the message should be: Double Major …

AAP College Counseling – Academic Advancement Program

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