vis a vis in a sentence

How to use “vis-a-vis” in a sentence

vis a vis in a sentence

Vis a vis: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE

Vis-à-vis definition and meaning

 · You use vis-à-vis when you are considering a relationship or comparison between two things or quantities , [formal] Each currency is given a value vis-à-vis the other currencies, individual liberty vis-à-vis the need for order, COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary, Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers,

vis-a-vis – a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another counterpart , opposite number equivalent – a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc; “send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps”

Victims and victim impact statements

 · 30+1 sentence examples: 1 Women’s salaries are low vis-a-vis what men earn for the same work 2 I’ve got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday 3 This year’s crop shows an improvement vis-a-vis last year’s, 4, His salary


 · You use vis-à-vis when you are considering a relationship or comparison between two things or quantities, [formal] Each currency is given a value vis-à-vis the other currencies, COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary, Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers,

He never doubted but that in a month of two his vis-a-vis would talk differently, Just then Seriosha came and requested me to be his vis-a-vis, Leslie leaned forward in her chair, steady eyes on her vis-a-vis, His vis-a-vis, as luck, or ill-luck would have it, was the monocle-man,

Vis-à-vis definition and meaning

vis-a-vis, Vis-a-vis is a fancy way of saying “in regard to” or “compared to,” as in: “He was substantially underpaid vis-a-vis other researchers,” Technically that “a” in vis-a-vis is an “à” as the phrase translates literally from the French for “face to face,” There’s a slightly pedantic ring to the term vis-a-vis so use it with caution,


Examples of Vis a vis in a sentence I feel it is better to discuss personal issues vis-à-vis rather than over the phone ? The couple sat vis-à-vis at the table holding hands and making googly eyes and one another ? A vis-à-vis confrontation led to a heated argument and a violent brawl, ?, Even though I had met her vis-à-vis …

Vis-a-vis in a sentence esp good sentence like quote

Vis-à-Vis Meaning

Examples: Vis-à-Vis in a Sentence, Simply put, if a private company’s products become too expensive vis a vis their competitors’ offerings, their products won’t sell, the company goes out of business and jobs are lost, —CNBC …that is unless they want to be deliberately absent from their historic responsibility vis a vis …

 · One meaning of vis-à-vis is “a political or diplomatic counterpart,” For example, a commenter in a Thai political forum refers to the US president as “Putin’s vis-a-vis in the White House,” Other meanings for vis-à-vis as a noun include “dancing partner,” “person seated opposite,” “conversational partner,” etc, …


Viz a viz

Vis-à-vis Has More Than One Use

Vis-à-vis Definition & Meaning

vis a vis in a sentence

A VIS can be used to establish whether the emotional harm suffered by the victim amounts to “substantial emotional harm” within the meaning of s 21A2g where no submissions were made on sentence that the use of or evidentiary weight given to the VIS should be limited: Aguirre v R [2010] NSWCCA 115 at [77]; Muggleton v R [2015] NSWCCA 62 at [43]; Culbert v R at [120]

a date at a social affair: She introduced her vis-à-vis to the hostess, a person of equal authority, rank, or the like: my vis-à-vis in the Louisville office, a carriage in which the occupants sit face to face,

Ma voiture est très petite vis-à-vis de la sienne, My car is very small compared to his, C’est la moindre des choses vis-à-vis de tes soucis, It’s nothing compared to / vis-a-vis your problems,

vis-à-vis definition: 1, in relation to: 2, in comparison with: 3, in relation to: , Learn more,

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