vue pluralize

 · Il faut écrire : Cet adolescent grandit à vue d’œil, Dans « à vue d’œil », on a affaire au nom féminin « vue », qui prend un « e », Faux, Il faut écrire : Au vu des résultats de l’élève, le conseil de classe préconise le redoublement, C’est le nom masculin « vu », et non le nom féminin « vue », qu’on trouve dans l’expression « au vu de », Phrase correcte

Manquant :


Vue pluralize, Handy Pluralize filters for your Vue project Version: 0,0,2

« vu » ou « vue » ?


Creating a simple Vue pluralize filter

pluralize, this filter takes at least one argument; Pluralizes the argument based on the filtered value, When there is exactly one arg, plural forms simply add an “s” at the end, When there are more than one argument, the arguments will be used as array of strings corresponding to the single, double, triple … forms of the word to be pluralized, When the number to be pluralized exceeds the length of the args, it will use the last entry in the …

 · Pluralize data according to its count using Vue Filters Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces The core library is focused on the view layer only and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single …


Vue filter ‘pluralize’ amount singular plural = null => {if plural === null {plural = ` ${singular} s`;} return amount > 1 ,, amount === 0? plural : singular ; } ; Then if the word pluralizes “normally” you can just exclude the third argument:


 · Creating a simple Vue pluralize filter Step 1: Add pluralize package Let’s use https://github,com/blakeembrey/pluralize to do the heavy lifting: yarn add Step 2: Register filter Our pluralize filter will take two arguments – first one is the left variable in the filter and Step 3: Use the

Vuejs pluralize filter GitHub

Vue pluralize

 · vue-pluralize Installation, Install via NPM Usage, Simply set pluralize as the filtering function and you’re good to go, At least one argument is expected, which is this,$pluralize, This allows you to call …

 · I am trying to write a test for my Vue,js filter, but I have no idea where to begin with filters in particular ?, Filter, Vue,filter’pluralize’, word: string, amount: number => amount > 1 ? `${word}s` : word; Usage in a Vue,js component {{ ‘recharge’ , pluralizecount }} So if …

vue-pluralize Installation, Install via NPM Usage, Simply set pluralize as the filtering function and you’re good to go, At least one argument is expected, which is this,$pluralize, This allows you to call Pluralize from the script portion of your Vue component, You can add new rules



Simple pluralize filter for Vue,js

vue pluralize

Vue filter pluralize

vue-filter-pluralize, Simple pluralize filter for Vue,js, Installation, install from npm $ npm

Pluralize data according to its count using Vue Filters

vue pluralize



@vuejs-community/vue-filter-pluralize Installation Usage Supported languages Plural rule #0 1 form Plural rule #1 2 forms Plural rule #2 2 forms Plural rule #3 3 forms Plural rule #4 4 forms Plural rule #5 3 forms Plural rule #6 3 forms Plural rule #7 3 forms Plural rule #8 3 forms Plural rule #9 3 forms Plural rule #10 4 forms Plural rule #11 5 forms Plural rule #12 6 forms Plural rule #13 4 forms Plural rule #14 3 forms …

 · This feature is available since version 8,0, Such pluralization, however, does not apply to all languages Slavic languages, for example, have different pluralization rules, In order to implement these …

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